The Enterprise of Culture
International Structures and Connections in the Fashion Industry since 1945
This European Union-funded project used the fashion business to examine various types of cultural encounters – between “core” fashion cities such as Paris and London and “peripheral” areas such as Sweden and Scotland. The 1-million euro project was coordinated by Leeds University and ran from 2013 to 2016.
ICC investigated opportunities for the engagement of culturally specific, Scottish textiles – tartan and tweed – with the fashion industry in the UK and abroad. The research resulted in a book chapter and several conference presentations:
- Chillas, S., Grewar, M., and Townley, B. (2017). ‘Rhythms of Production in Scottish Textiles and Fashion’ in R. Blasczyzk and V. Pouillard (eds.), European Fashion: The Creation of a Global Industry. Manchester University Press.
- Chillas, S., Grewar, M., and Townley, B. (2016). ‘Capitalising on history in the field of textiles: the case of Scottish tartan and tweed’. Presented to European Group for Organizational Studies conference, Naples, Italy, 6-9 July 2016.
- Chillas, S., Grewar, M., and Townley, B. (2016). ‘Making heritage fashion: Scottish tartan and tweed’. Invited presentation to public seminar, The Enterprise of Culture: The European fashion system around the world, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, 10 June 2016.
- Chillas, S., Grewar, M., and Townley, B. (2015). ‘Material form and practice in Scottish textiles: searching for ‘The Real McCoy’’, Presented to European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), July, Athens.